One month at Harvard: work in progress and research prospects


Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 5:00pm to 6:00pm


RCCHU Conference Room, 26 Trowbridge St. and over Zoom

This talk is about three works by Prof. Dr. Anthony Álvarez Melero that are currently in progress. The first deals with the figure of Voconius Romanus, a friend of Pliny the Younger, and the reasons that did not lead him to join the Senate in Trajan's time, between his refusal of honours and his support for a rival of the emperor. The second focuses on the interpretation of a word engraved on a lost epitaph in Rome, "Matrona": is it an anthroponym or a noun? Finally, a last work, on a Hispanic senator whose onomastics might lead us to consider that he was from Gades. Suggestions or new incoming ideas are welcome. 


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Speaker: Anthony Álvarez Melero (Associate Professor at the University of Seville)

Sponsors: RCCHU; University of Seville; Harvard University

Organizer: Unai Iriarte Asarta (RCCHU Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of the Classics at Harvard University)