Una Europa: The UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda Report: Multidisciplinary Perspectives


Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 12:45pm to 7:00pm


This will be a virtual event (All times are CEST)

This seminar is the third one organized by the Una Europa Global Governance Research Group, within the “Dialogues between policymakers and Academia” seed funded project. It gathers members from Una Europa Universities to further identify and strengthen our research interests. In this occasion, the topics to be presented will be related to the United Nations report “Our Common Agenda”, with the objective of fostering our global governance approach to research. Presenters have 20 minutes to develop their topic. There are also 10 minutes for Q&As after each presentation. Last, but not least the winners of the “First Una Europa competition on global governance research” will be announced during this event.


Join through Google meet: https://meet.google.com/mcg-uqrw-gqy


Sponsors: RCC; RCC Study Group in Data Science; Una Europa Global Governance Research Group.