Pronunciation Matters: English Main Features


Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 4:30pm to 5:30pm


RCCHU Conference Room, 26 Trowbridge St. and over Zoom

Pronunciation is the act or manner of speaking a word. The first thing we notice during a conversation is pronunciation; grammar and vocabulary are important elements of language but they can be useless if the speakers cannot pronounce those elements or words accurately. We can understand people, despite their grammatical errors, if they use proper pronunciation.

However, English pronunciation presents challenges due to various distinctive features, such us stress and intonation patterns, vowel articulation, the presence of silent letters or linking words. Effective communication hinges upon ensuring the accurate rendition of phonetic sounds; nonetheless, attaining native-like proficiency is not a prerequisite for clear comprehension. The goal is to reach a level where native speakers can interpret what you say accurately, rather than aiming for perfect performance. Nonetheless, in spoken English, two crucial considerations emerge:

  • Attaining a native-like pronunciation of English phonemes is not essential for facilitating comfortable understanding.
  • Aspects of pronunciation beyond mere phonetic accuracy hold greater significance for listeners.


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Speaker: María Amparo González Rúa (Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University of Oviedo)

Sponsor: RCCHU; Harvard University; University of Oviedo