EU Cartel Settlement procedure: an assessment of its results 10 years later


Monday, October 30, 2017, 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Harvard Law School, Graduate Program Lounge, WCC 5053

The fight against cartels is now one of the top priorities of all competition authorities who are very active and innovating to improve enforcement and deterrence. Within the EU, one EUof these innovations has been the EU cartel settlement procedure, first established in 2008. In short, it gives the parties the possibility to close a cartel case quicker and receive a fine within a range accepted by each party with a 10% reduction, in exchange of recognizing their infringement and their liability and cooperating with the Commission to expedite and finalise the case. The paper analyses key issues and draw lessons from the almost ten years of practice.

Speaker: Jerónimo Maillo, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School. Professor of EU Law. Coordinator of the Center for Competition Policy. CEU San Pablo University (Madrid).