Irene Sánchez Gavilán

Irene Sánchez Gavilán

Postdoctoral Researcher at Division of Preventive Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Irene Sánchez has a B.A. in Pharmacy from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2016) and a PhD with FPI research fellow (2022). For the past years she has been researching on the issue of bioactive compounds in edible vegetable products with special mention in halophytes from Tinto River area.


She has been a visiting scholar at the universities of Harvard (2020), at Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB) and Complutense de Madrid (2022) at Department of Nutrition and Food Science in Bromatology Unit as postdoctoral Researcher invited by Group ALIMNOVA.

As a RCC fellow, she is exploring the effect of bioactive compounds present in diet on health outcomes through randomized clinical trials, examining magnesium, Vit D and blood pressure.



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