David Pascual-Ezama

David Pascual-Ezama


He is interested in Behavioral and Experimental Accounting and Behavioral and Experimental Economics. His studies in Behavioral and Experimental Economics focus on dishonesty, morality and ethics and how incentives affect dishonesty.

His studies in Behavioral and Experimental Accounting focus on the roll of the accounting information in individual investors’ decision making and the prediction of bankruptcy based on accounting, financial and audit information and how the audit decision-making could be affected by different external variables. He has recently expanded his research interests to the neuro-economics of decision-making.

His academic training includes PhD in Business Economics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2015), PhD in Psychology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2010), MBA at Instituto de Empresa (2004) and BA in Business Administration at University of Oviedo (2002). He has had different positions at Instituto de Empresa, Universidad de Oviedo and nowadays at Universidad Complutense Madrid. He helds the position of visiting faculty at the Università di Padova (Italy) in 2008 and 2009. He was a Harvard RCC Research Fellow at the Harvard Business School in 2011. He is a member of the Neuroeconomic Lab at MIT from 2011 with visiting periodos in 2011, 2012, 2015 and as Fulbright granted in 2018 working with profesor Drazen Prelec and his team in the lab. He is RCC Research Fellow in the academic course 2018-2019 collaborating with Prof. Leslie John at Harvard Business School.

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