New Challenges For Law: Genetic Edition, Human Ecology, and Human Dignity In Life And Death


Friday, June 21, 2019, 9:15am to 8:00pm


Harvard Law School (Hauser Hall 105)

Respect for human dignity at the end of life and the limits of power available to each person regarding their own existence have become major issues in the Western world. The aim of this international seminar is to bring new ideas to the contemporary debate on human dignity in life and death in Europe and America in the twentieth and twentyfirst centuries. To do this it is necessary to analyze the philosophical principles and historical events that have helped shape the current views on questions as genetic edition, human ecology, human dignity, death penalty, euthanasia, human enhancement or technological singularity, as well as their treatment by public opinion in Western countries. We pretend to have a day of discussion on genetic edition, human ecology, and human dignity in life and death, directed to Professors, Fellows of Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard and Researchers. Graduate Students from Harvard Law School and Harvard Medical School are welcome.


You can see the full program You can see the full program .

Director: José-María Puyol Montero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

Organizing Comittee: José-Manuel Martínez Sierra (Director, RCC at Harvard), Jane Driver (Harvard Medical School), José-Miguel Serrano Ruiz-Calderón (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Vicente Bellver (University of Valencia), and María-Luisa Gómez Jiménez (Universidad de Málaga).

Sponsors: Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, Institute for Global Law and Policy (IGLP), The Harvard Law School Criminal Justice Policy Program (HLSCJPP), Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation, and Tirant lo Blanch Publisher.

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