II Edición Latinoamérica en perspectiva: Representación, narrativas y modos de vida


Thursday, May 23, 2019 (All day)


David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies -1730 Cambridge St. Cambridge, MA 02138. (S-250) - RCC Conference Room, 26 Trowbridge St., Cambridge MA. ans

Latin America in Perspective is a seminar series dedicated to reflect on Latin America and its relationship with the Hispanic world from philosophical, cultural, literary, historical, phenomenical, conceptual and political points of view. The seminar is based on the Faculty of Philosophy at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and began its activities in 2018 with a conference titled "New Conceptualizations in Changing Times". The seminar series is supported by the Research Group History and Ontology of Present: The Hispanic Perspective, the Research Project Saavedra Fajardo Library VI directed by José Luis Villacañas Berlanga (UCM), and the Southern California Working Group “Hispanism / Critical Thought " co-directed by Jacques Lezra (UC Riverside), Erin Graff Zivin (USC) and Horacio Legrás (UC Irvine). Our goal is to think on Latin America through interdisciplinary approaches and dialogues among different traditions, thus opening new paths toward understanding Latin America, its history, language and culture in plural ways.


The Second Latin America in Perspective Seminar is focused on the notions of representation, narrative and ways of life. The Western philosophical tradition has privileged 'representation' over alternative modalities also capable of telling, expressing or performing cultural, linguistic, artistic and political phenomena. In this edition of the seminar we want to foster a discussion on these topics, incorporating other disciplines, including Cultural Studies, Hispanic Studies, Literature, Media Studies, Conceptual History and History of Ideas. In this regard, one of our aims is to go beyond the ‘privilege’ that philosophy has enjoyed over different approaches. Hence, from the crossroads between philosophy and other disciplines, the seminar wants to think about Latin America from alternative and non-privileged standpoints, not attached to the ‘regime of representation’ promoted by modern philosophy.

You can see the full program here.

Opening Speakers:  Mariano Siskind, Chair, RLL-Harvard; José M. Martínez Sierra, RCC Director; Juan A. Valor, Decano, Facultad de Filosofía UCM;   José Luis Villacañas, Director del Departamento de Filosofía y Sociedad, Facultad de Filosofía UCM; Jaques Lezra, UC Riverside; , Miguel Vásquez, UCM. 

Sponsors: RCC; Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University; David Rockerfeller Center for Latin American Studies; Harvard University; Facultad de Filosofia, Departamento de Filosofia y Sociedad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Department of Hispanic Studies,University of California; Biblioteca Saavedra Fajardo de Pensamiento Político Hispánico; SoCrit: Souther California Working Group "Hispanism/Critical Thought". 



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