Harvard World Wide Week: The Classical World and the Pilgrimage to Santiago in Comparative Perspective: Anthropology, Art and the Harvard Legacy


Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 11:00am to 12:30pm


RCC Conference Room, 26 Trowbridge St., Cambridge MA

The phenomenon of pilgrimage has had a fundamental role in the development of western and non-western civilisations, facilitating cultural and artistic exchange, and promoting economic growth and social mobility. Focusing on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, this workshop seeks to explore the impact of this phenomenon in the construction of Europe analysing, from a comparative perspective,  its importance in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages. As it will emerge from this discussion, there exist numerous elements of connection between pilgrimage in the Greco-Roman world and in the Christian Middle Ages, with surprising modes of continuity in art, literature, and myth. It was precisely at Harvard, with the monumental work of A. Kingsley Porter (Romanesque Sculpture of the Pilgrimage Roads, 12 vols. [1923]) where these aspects of medieval pilgrimage began to be considered in their full implications emphasising their importance to understand contemporary society, by comparing them with the way movement and multi-culturalism contributed to the creation of the dynamism of the American melting-pot. 



Francisco Prado-Vilar: Director of Cultural and Artistic Projects at RCC; Scientific Director of the Andrew W. Mellon Program for the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Diego Chapinal-Heras, RCC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of the Classics at Harvard University.

Sponsors: RCC; Cultural and Artistic Projects at RCC; Department of the Classics at Harvard University.