Eurozone Reform, a Spanish Perspective


Thursday, September 20, 2018, 2:30pm to 4:00pm


Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street at Cabot Way, Cambridge, MA

During the Eurozone debt crisis, the voice of Spain was missing in European affairs. The focus was on internal reforms. Over the past years, however, Spain is growing above average rates and the new socialist Government of Pedro Sánchez is keen to have a more proactive role in European debates. The European Commission welcomes this. When it comes to reforming the Eurozone, the media and intellectual discussion is too much centered on the possible Franco-German compromises, the blocking capacity of the so-called Hanseatic League led by The Netherlands, and the disrupting potential of the new Italian Government. In this context, Spain, still strongly pro-European, could be the necessary broker. However, is it capable of performing this mediating and constructive role? Are the structural reforms undertaken during the crisis enough to underpin its growth, and therefore its credibility? Can Spain become the leader of the South and convince the partners of the North about the necessity of a fiscal union to strengthen the Euro? Can Spain influence the upcoming new Franco-German “Elysée Treaty” - which will include a chapter on the future of EMU - foreseen for the end of 2018? These and other questions will be discussed in this seminar.


Speakers: Paz Guzmán Caso de los Cobos, Economic Advisor, Representation of the European Commission in Spain; Miguel Otero, Senior Analyst, International Political Economy (IPE) at Elcano Royal Institute in Spain; Professor, IE School of International Relations.

Chair: Sebastián Royo – Acting Provost and Professor of Government, Suffolk University; Co-Chair, Southern Europe in the EU and Local Affiliate, CES, Harvard University.

Sponsors: RCC; Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies; Southern Europen in the EU Study Group; EU Law and Government Study Group; Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair in European Union Law and Government.