The creation of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem at the Complutense University of Madrid through the International Programme of Visits to Reference Ecosystems


Friday, November 2, 2018, 5:30pm to 7:00pm


RCC Conference Room, 26 Trowbridge St., Cambridge MA

In recent years there has been growing concern about the promotion of entrepreneurship from different public administrations. In fact, in 2013, the European Commission developed an action plan on entrepreneurship with a time horizon until 2020, and quoted verbatim: "Europe needs more entrepreneurs to recover growth and a high level of employment. In the same year, Spain passed Law 14/2014 on support for entrepreneurs and their internationalisation. The common denominator: the importance of education in the promotion of entrepreneurship.

Added to this is the social and institutional interest of the universities that are more inclined to promote entrepreneurship within the university environment, developing for this purpose advisory and support structures aimed at the university community. The Complutense Universities of Madrid joins other initiatives by creating the Complutense Office of the Entrepreneur whose role is to promote entrepreneurship through training, advice and dissemination, its vision being to serve as the driving force of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of the UCM. In this order of things, launched in 2016 the First Edition of the Program of Visits to Reference Ecosystems, to know the main ecosystems of the world and to promote entrepreneurship among the university community, through various actions such as the launch of incubation programs and acceleration of business projects, conferences for the dissemination of entrepreneurship and specialized courses to improve the cross skills of students.

In the two editions carried out to reference ecosystems, Silicon Valley, the main entrepreneurial ecosystem in the world, and Cambridge (UK) were visited, highlighting the important role played by the University in the creation of a local ecosystem.

During the conference, the San Francisco ecosystem, taken as an example for the creation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Complutense University of Madrid, will be analysed and the actions that have been carried out in our University will be shared.


Speaker: Javier Sánchez Espada, Head of UCM-Santander Entrepreneurship Center.

Sponsors: RCC; Compluemprende.